How to Stay Warm and Cosy When Car Camping in Autumn
Car camping isn’t just for the summer months. As the summer draws to a close, there’s no
reason why you can’t continue to feed your wanderlust by going on holidays and weekend
getaways! Here are some tips on how to stay warm, cosy, and comfortable whilst car
camping in the autumn months!
Hot Drinks
When British weather makes you feel like you need to be thawed from the inside out,
there’s nothing quite like settling down in your camping chair or camper car bed with a
steaming mug of hot chocolate or tea.
Warm Clothes
If you live in the UK, you’ll know that surviving British weather is all about layers! The
weather can change temperature throughout the day, and it’s bound to be colder at night,
so think jumpers, warm socks, undershirts for layering, flannels, and of course a trusty rain
Extra Blankets
With the CampBoxx, you’ll have plenty of extra space in your car, so take advantage and
pack some extra blankets! Perfect for keeping warm as you sleep, or simply wrapping
yourself up in whilst you relax and drink tea in the evening.
Camp Fire
A camp fire can be a great way to warm up while camping and is also great for congregating
around with friends or family! Always make sure that you have permission to have a
campfire on the land that you’re camping on – some campsites only allow raised campfires,
so be sure to find out the rules ahead of time so that you can plan accordingly.
A Hot Water Bottle
You can easily use the kitchen in your CampBoxx to heat some water to fill up a hot water
bottle. Simply put the hot water bottle in between the sheets fifteen minutes before you go
to bed and you’ll be nice and toasty!
We hope these tips have been helpful and have encouraged you to keep going out there,
exploring and having adventures! Just because the summer is coming to an end, that
doesn’t mean the fun has to end as well!